At Eye Life Vision Center, we have highly knowledgeable doctors with the latest diagnostic equipment to give you the best eye exam. Taking care of your eyes and vision is our highest priority. Our wish is that when you leave our office, you will be confident that you received the most personalized and comprehensive eye exam. Proudly serving Southington, Cheshire, Wolcott, Prospect, Waterbury, Bristol, Farmington, and all surrounding towns.

What Can We Help You With?
24 million people in the U.S. have cataracts. Cataracts generally decrease your vision gradually over time and is part of the natural aging process of the lens.
Glaucoma is a sight threatening disease that generally occurs in the elderly. However, if not detected and managed properly, glaucoma can cause irreversible vision loss.
Around 70% of eye care is performed by optometrist. The best eye care practices have optometry and ophthalmology practices working together to provide comprehensive general and surgical care.
The percentage of people needing vision correction has increased over the last several years. Nowadays, the majority of the population needs some form of glasses or contacts.